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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching & Mentoring at AmNova?

Coaching and Mentoring are activities conducted in repetitive conversations within the area of professional and personal development. We focus on individuals and with the purpose to increase Coachee's and Mentee's confidence in their own competences and facilitating them to discover, test and assimilate alternative ways for competence development. Although there are differences, we refer to "Coaching & Mentoring"  as "Coaching" on this website.

How can Coaching help me?

We all have ambitions, challenges and  development goals. Coaching can accelerate your personal growth and facilitates developing your personal and professional competences.

How long does a Coaching journey take?

A typical Coaching journey consists of 6 sessions in a time frame of 4-6 months. Depending on the situation this can be tailored to your individual needs.

Why do you focus on Coaching journeys versus single Coaching sessions?

My Coaching approach aims for sustainable results. The process of building awareness, ownership, engagement and anchoring the learnings needs time and practice.

Can I book a single Coaching session?

Once you have finalised a coaching journey, single session support can be planned. In other cases, one off sessions are not recommended.

How do I get to know the professional fees for Coaching?

Every Coaching journey starts with a free intake. Based on the scope and agreed approach a Coach contract will be offered including the professional fee.

Can you guarantee success?

As a professional Coach I guarantee a high quality and a successful process. As Coachee you take ownership of your coaching journey. Together we commit to success.

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